The appreciation you have shown for the little work have done in the west is only an indication if the tremendous approbation that spiritual giants that are to come in future will get from the nation. India is a land of religion. “We are fated by divine providence to play the spiritual note in this family of nation, & it rejoices me to see that we have not lost the grand traditions which have been handed down to us by the most glorious forefathers, of whom any nation can be proud.” We should become active & dispel the idea that we have degenerated at all.
The complaint has just been made that European materialism has well-nigh swamped us. If it is so, the fault is our own. A large section of the country is Mohammedan & Christen. Why did happen? Because we did not show sufficient sympathy and bestow any attention to the poor & the down-trodden. On the other hand, think of the last six or seven hundred years of degradation, when grown-up men by hundreds ha been discussing for years whether we should drink a glass of water with the right hand or the left, whether the hands should be washed three times or six! What can we except from men who pass their livesin discussing such momentous questions like these & writing most learned philosophies on them.
There is danger of religion becoming kitchen-based. We are neither Vedantists, nor Pauranics nor Tantrik. We are first and foremost ‘don’t-touchist. Our religion is in the kitchen. Our God is the cooking pot and our religion is ‘Don’t touch me. I am holy.’ This state of affairs has to change. “Vyasa says that giving alone is the one work in this kali yuga, and of all gifts, giving spiritual life is the highest gift possible. The next gift is secular knowledge. The next, saving of the life of man, and the last, giving food to the needy. If we follow this law for twenty five years, all our problem will be solved.”
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